Thursday, December 11, 2008
New Purchase Rules & Procedures
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Stores & Purchase - the NCL Model
Last month I had an opportunity to visit NCL, Pune for attending SSBMT Indoor Zonal during 21-23 Nov. 2008. I also got a chance to visit the Stores & Purchase Section. I was thrilled to see the way in which the S&P Section is organised and therefore would like to share my experience.
The S&P Section is in an ideally located, so to say in one building. Stores is interconnected with Purchase and vice versa. Stores in the Ground Floor and Purchase is in the First Floor. The Section is well organised and facilitated.
- cubical cabinet to all
- individual computer with LCD monitor
- dedicated printer
- meeting room for SPO/SO(S&P)
- a mini conference room
- Pantry to take care the visitor
- lunch room
- a place for common facility like Xerox, Fax, etc.
- .... the list continues....
I am also told that they organise classes, lectures by drawing experts from outside also viz. Indian Institute of Material Management, etc. on various subjects related to S&P.
The Stores & Purchase Team in NCL, Pune is undoubtedly needs appreciation, more particularly Shri Chiranjeevi, SPO who has definitely might have taken more pain for achieving this model. Rome is not built in a day.
Stores & Purchase - NCL Model is therefore my dream office.
CSIR has issued the transfer OM # 3-4(192)12/2008-E1 dt.27/11/08 transferring Shri Yatinder Chauhan, SPO from CSIR HQ to CCMB, Hyd.
Refer CSIR Website for details
Friday, October 24, 2008
Compliance of Official Language
Therefore, it is essential that all documents in Stores & Purchase prepared bilingually.
To view the letter click here
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
click for circular
1) Refresher Training Programme for Stores & Purchase Assistants {Assistant (S&P)} during the period 17-21 November 2008.
2) Skill Development Programme for Stores & Purchase Officers/ Section Officers (S&P) during the period 15 - 19 December 2008
Programme Coordinator Shri L.R.Meena email :
Source :
Friday, October 10, 2008
CSIR issued Transfer OM # 3-4(d)/2008-E1 dt.08/10/2008 in r/o the following SO(S&P)s
Shri Krishna Kumar, SO(S&P) from CSIR HQ, N.Delhi to IITR, Lucknow
Shri Sanjay Suman, SO(S&P) from NISCAIR, N.Delhi to CSIR HQ, N.Delhi
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Each one of us - it matters
Dear all
The main purpose of this blog is to have an intraction among all of us, i mean the S&P personnel, and to have a plotform for exchange of views. To achieve this, it is planned to include all interested persons as "members" of this blog. This privilage is restricted to S&P Cadre, at present (to be reviewed). Members can post their issues to be discussed/problems faced/contribute their knowledge source. So that other members will comment, give their view point, solution to the problems raised, etc. Some team members will be assigned the job of "administrators" who can edit all posts, add and remove the team members, modify the blog's settings and templates.
Therefore, interested S&P cadre persons are requested to give their mail id. One should have a google account (it is very simple to creat an account) for this.
Monday, October 6, 2008
6PC implementation @ CSIR
Detailed Circular :
The following are the revised pay scales of S&P Personnel.
Assistant (S&P) Gr.III : PB1 Rs.5200-20200 with Gr.Pay Rs.1900
Assistant (S&P) Gr.II : PB1 Rs.5200-20200 with Gr.Pay Rs.2400
Assistant (S&P) Gr.I : PB2 Rs.9300-34800 with Gr.Pay Rs.4200
(Note: to be placed in the pre-revisied scale of Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f.15/09/2006 in accordance with DoPT OM dated 25/09/2006)
Section Officer (S&P) : PB2 Rs.9300-34800 with Gr.Pay Rs.4800
(Note: to be placed in 7500-250-12000)
Section Officer (S&P) NFS : PB3 Rs.15600-39100 with Gr.Pay Rs.5400
Stores & Purchase Officer : PB3 Rs.15600-39100 with Gr.Pay Rs.6600
Controller of Stores & Purchase : PB3 Rs.15600-39100 with Gr.Pay Rs.7600
Controller of Stores & Purchase(SG) : PB4 Rs.37400-67000 with Gr.Pay Rs.8700
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Guidance manuals for public procurement
1) Manual of policies & procedure purchase of goods
2) Public procurement- A reference paper
Courtesy :
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tentative list of Seniority of Asst (F&A) and (S&P) Gr.I
Please follow the link.
The Seniority list is drawn based on the issue of fixing seniority of Assistants who have brought from General Cadre to F&A and S&P Cadres and the present list supersedes the earlier lists.
Last date for representation against any anomaly, omission, discrepancies is 27/10/2008 at CSIR.
Shri Tariq Badar, SPO has been promoted as COSP effective from 01/12/2008 (after retirement on superannuation of Shri D.Chengiah, COSP on 30/11/2008)
Ref: 1) CSIR OM # 3-4(C)/2008-E.I dated 24/09/2008 (unavailable in CSIR Website)
2) CSIR OM # 3-4(C)/2008-E.I dated 25/09/2008 (available in CSIR Website)
Source : CSIR Website.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Let's educate & empower !
The following higher studies are available. Contact/Browse the respective institutes for further details and decide.
A) Indian Institute of Materials Management, Mumbai.
(Graduate Diploma in Materials Management)
Recognized by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Accredited by IFPSM, USA
Eligibility : Degree in any Discipline or Diploma
in engineering / Technology / Management Approved by AICTE and Completed after HSC(10+2) Regular/Part time
Mode : Correspondence; Duration : 2 Years/ 3 Years
(Post-Graduate Diploma in Materials Management)
Approved by AICTE,
Dir.General of Resettlement, ministry of Defence, Govt. of India
Eligibility : Degree in any Discipline with 50% + 2 years work experience or GDMM with min.55% marks + 2 years work experience
Mode : Correspondence; Duration : 3 Years
iii) C.P.M
(Certified Purchasing Manager)
Institute for Supply Management, (ISM) USA
Eligibility : Degree in any Discipline or GDMM + 5 years work experience OR Diploma in Engineering with 8 years work experience OR Engineering Degree OR Post Graduate Degree with 3 years experience
Mode : Correspondence; Duration : 6 Months (minimum)
iv) DIT
(Diploma in International Trade)
Eligibility : Degree in any Discipline OR Diploma Engineer OR 12th Std.+ 2 years work experience
Mode : Correspondence ; Duration: 1 year.
v) DPP
(Graduate Diploma in Public Procurement)
Eligibility : Degree in any Discipline /Diploma Engg.
Mode : Correspondence; Duration : 1 Year
(Post Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management)
Eligibility : 1) Degree in Engg with min 2 yrs work exp.
2) Degree in other discipline with min 3 yrs work exp.
Mode : Correspondence; Duration : 1 Year
vii) DSM
(Diploma in Stores Management)
Eligibility: Degree in any Discipline OR Diploma Engineer OR 12th Std.+ 2 years work experience
Mode : Correspondence; Duration: 1 Year
viii) DRSCM
(Diploma in Retail Supply Chain Management)
Eligibility: Degree in any discpline / Diploma in Engg / GDMM from IIMM Mode : Correspondence; Duration: 1 Year
ix) MBA (MM)
MBA in Materials Management
Eligibility: Any Degree or GDMM/PGDMM from IIMM (for Lateral entry) Mode : Correspondence; Duration: 3 Years / 1 Year
International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
Eligibility: Degree in any Discipline + 2 years work experience in purchasing & supply
Mode: Correspondence; Duration: 18 months
Post Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management
For details: Visit /
course is offered to working professionals
Mode: Correspondence; Duration : 24 months
The National Head Quarters Education Wing in Navi Mumbai administers the correspondence courses.
Those students interested may e-mail: your request so that other details can be provided to them.
For further details please contact Branches & Headquarters
If the prospectus required from IIMM NHQ, for all courses except DSM, DIT & DRSCM the DD should be drawn in favour of 'IIMM NHQ collection A/C' payable at Mumbai.
B. Annamalai University, Annamalainagar (Chidambaram), Tamil Nadu.
(Post-Graduate Diploma in Materials Management)
Eligibility: Any Degree or equivalent examination
Mode: Correspondence; Duration: 1 Year
C. Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal in collaboration with Indian Institute of
Materials Management, Mumbai.
MBA (Material Management)
Eligibility: Any Degree or GDMM/PGDMM from IIMM (for Lateral entry) Mode: Correspondence; Duration: 3 Years / 1 Year
Friday, September 12, 2008
Borrowing of Officers in Gen, F&A, S&P Cadres
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Before approaching the Office Bearers of the S&P Association, it is open for discussion among the cadre persons about the pros & cons. Any comment/suggestion on this.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
The matter of upgradation of pay scales of Assistants/Sr. Stenographers from Rs.5500-9000 to Rs.6500-10500 on par with the Central Secretariat Officers and staff of the GoI in New Delhi was taken up in the 169th meeting of the Governing Body of CSIR. The Department of Expenditure, MOF, GOI has not approved the proposal on the grounds that the revision of pay scales is only applicable to Central Secretariat Service and that implementation of pay scale of Rs.1640-2900 was approved under certain circumstances. Subsequently, the matter was taken up with the DOE which has been stated that the matter of parity is also under consideration of GoI under the umbrella of 6th Central Pay Commission.
CSIR is bound by the instructions of GOI in regard to pay scales, etc. as the entire component of salary is provided by the Govt. and it is not independent to take a decision and implement it, if not approved by the Govt.
Bye-Laws 14 and 15, and statement regarding adoption of pay scales in Advt.No.EU/CASE/(5)/97 have not endowed CSIR with powers to over-ride the instructions of GoI.
As and when the recommendations of the 6th CPC are made applicable to CSIR, it will be implemented in CSIR to the extent permitted by the GoI. Accordingly, the representations on the subject stand disposed of.
[CSIR Lr.No.3-33(1)/2007-E.I dt. 2-7-2008] Source : HARMONY, Aug.08 issue.