CSIR Vide Lr.dt.No.15-26(41)/2009-Vig. dt. 27-1-2010 has reiterated the need for meticulous check while admitting the C&F Agents bills. The same is reproduced below :
"In order to avoid instances of fraudulent practice in claiming air freight charges by C&F Agents, all the dealing Officers of CSIR Labs./Instts. are alerted to be more vigilant against such malpractices. In this regard the following preventive steps may be followed while scrutinizing the bills of C&F Agents:
i) Always insist on the original Air Way Bill (AWB) of the Airlines. Develop familiarity with the style and design of AWB of major airliners. In case of doubt, cross-check with the Cargo Managers of the concerned Airline.
ii) Always tally the weight and dimension of the consignment (including packaging) as given by the supplier (OEM) in its commercial invoice or otherwise with that of the House AWB (HAWB) and the Manifest attached to the MAWB. It is always desirable to ask for copies of MAWB and the Manifest along with HAWB. The MAWB/Manifest is issued by the Airliners whereas the
HAWB is issued by the Shipping Agent. There are possibilities of manipulation in the weight and dimension of the consignment.
iii) Fuel and Security Surcharge components charged by the C&F Agent needs to be meticulously checked and calculated. These charges are levied by the Airlines which vary from time to time. Thus, the rates of these charges can be verified ether from the Websites of the concerned Airlines or their MAWBs. Such changes shown in the MAWB needs to be correctly apportioned amongst all the HAWBs issued against the said MAWB in proportion of their respective actual or chargeable weights as the case may be.
All the CSIR Labs./Instts. are therefore advised to be meticulous in admitting the bills of C&F agents and be watchful of any possible instances of malpractice. Any such malpractice should be immediately reported to CSIR Vigilance. "
"In order to avoid instances of fraudulent practice in claiming air freight charges by C&F Agents, all the dealing Officers of CSIR Labs./Instts. are alerted to be more vigilant against such malpractices. In this regard the following preventive steps may be followed while scrutinizing the bills of C&F Agents:
i) Always insist on the original Air Way Bill (AWB) of the Airlines. Develop familiarity with the style and design of AWB of major airliners. In case of doubt, cross-check with the Cargo Managers of the concerned Airline.
ii) Always tally the weight and dimension of the consignment (including packaging) as given by the supplier (OEM) in its commercial invoice or otherwise with that of the House AWB (HAWB) and the Manifest attached to the MAWB. It is always desirable to ask for copies of MAWB and the Manifest along with HAWB. The MAWB/Manifest is issued by the Airliners whereas the
HAWB is issued by the Shipping Agent. There are possibilities of manipulation in the weight and dimension of the consignment.
iii) Fuel and Security Surcharge components charged by the C&F Agent needs to be meticulously checked and calculated. These charges are levied by the Airlines which vary from time to time. Thus, the rates of these charges can be verified ether from the Websites of the concerned Airlines or their MAWBs. Such changes shown in the MAWB needs to be correctly apportioned amongst all the HAWBs issued against the said MAWB in proportion of their respective actual or chargeable weights as the case may be.
All the CSIR Labs./Instts. are therefore advised to be meticulous in admitting the bills of C&F agents and be watchful of any possible instances of malpractice. Any such malpractice should be immediately reported to CSIR Vigilance. "
Source : Harmony Feb.2010 issue