Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gr.Pay 4600 to Central Secretariate Service Assistants

Govt. vide F.No.1/1/2008-IC dt.16/11/2009 has issued OM extending the pay structure of grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band PB-2 to Assistants belonging to Central Secretariat Service, Armed Forces HQ Service and PAs in their counterpart Stenographer Services w.e.f. 1.1.2006.

It has also mentions that in order to maintain parity between Field and Secretariat Offices, introduction of a level in the hierarchy of Central Secretariat having grade pay of Rs.4200 in the pay band PB-2 between the grades of UDC and Assistants is necessary. The manner in which the new grade in the hierarchy of Central Secretariat should be introduced may be decided by DOPT in consultation with Dept. of Expenditure.

Source CCS Officers Website link1 Link2

I hope CSIR will also adopt this and extend the same OM to its Assistants/Sr.Stenos.


Anonymous said...

When will CSIR implement GP 4600 to its Assistants/Sr. steno as parity with CSS/CSSS has already been elicudiated by CSIR in the 6th CPC report and order Dt.04.10.2008

deens said...

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Lets look/wait for CSIR to implement the same.